A Collection of Letters, Articles, Papers, and Conference Reports from 1988 to 2020
The Emergence of Women’s Voices in ISKCON is a written documentary of the voices of the first-generation pioneer women of ISKCON. In this anthology they pass the torch of wisdom and lessons learned to future generations. Thirty-three authors speak about their relationships with Srila Prabhupada, what women bring to Krishna consciousness, and the importance of women’s voices in ISKCON. They tackle difficult issues with philosophy, reason, common sense, decades of personal experience, and Krishna consciousness.
The essays in this anthology will bring light to ISKCON members around the world. They are as applicable today as they were yesterday and can be used as a road map to move into the future. Many senior devotees have poured out their wise hearts here, having thought deeply about this topic. They knew Srila Prabhupada and lived under his roof.
This compilation of writings was collected faithfully over the years by Pranada devi dasi. To find all these materials separately would be a daunting, if not impossible, task, as many of these pieces can no longer be found. However, all are collected here for use as a definitive reference.
“This is not only an important book of history, but a useful resource – a veritable encyclopedia of responses to misconceptions about women and their role in Krishna consciousness. Refer regularly to this comprehensive reference and you will stand on solid ground in good company.” – from the Introduction by Pranada devi dasi
“For women ISKCON members of the present and into the future, I remind you of the true story of a young Vaishnavi who was sitting with Srila Prabhupada when he said to room full of his students, ‘I want all of my disciples to open temples.’ This 16-year old girl, a recent initiate, inquired, ‘Even the girls Swamiji’ Prabhupada responded, ‘Yes, why not? Even the girls.’ ” – from the Foreword by Anuttama dasa